Growing suspicious (3)

She didn't know what it felt like to die, but just now, she really felt like she was going to die. At first, it was because of the pain, but after that, Yingluo couldn't remember what she looked like at that time. She just felt like she was being propped on a fire and being burned up and down.

However, the feeling of death was not entirely unbearable. It was still a little light-headed towards the end, especially at the last moment when PEI Munian growled and pressed down on her. She actually trembled unconsciously. Her body was tired, but there was a sense of comfort from the exhaustion.

Her vocabulary was still a little limited, so she didn't know how to describe that feeling. However, niannian wasn't completely lying to her. It really didn't hurt as much later on, and she even staggered.

Su Wanwan herself didn't know what she was thinking about. Her cheeks flushed red and were burning hot.