The missing memory (6)

The shopping cart quickly crashed into her from the side. She could not Dodge in time and was hit on the side of her waist.

This scene repeated in her mind a few times. The shopping cart had somehow become the medical cart in the hospital, and it was also charging straight at her at a fast and fierce speed. It also hit the side of her waist, and then she fell to the ground. In the next second, bright red blood covered her entire body.

Su Wanwan frowned uneasily in her sleep. Her cheeks swayed left and right, and cold sweat kept pouring out of her forehead.

She didn't know why the scene in the underground parking lot had turned into such a terrible scene, but she clearly didn't have that memory. Why did she feel like her heart was being tightly clenched by a big hand when she dreamed of that scene, making it almost impossible for her to breathe? it was extremely uncomfortable, as if she had experienced it herself.