He went with her?(10)

Su Wanwan had just taken out her passport when a hand suddenly reached out from behind and took the passport from her hand. The man's voice rang in her ear, but he said to the beautiful receptionist, " she's not getting a room, thank you.

Su Wanwan turned around and glared at PEI Munian with her black eyes. give me back my passport!

"I'm going back to China." PEI Munian still said these three words indifferently.

Su Wanwan was so angry that she laughed. Who are you? do I know you? " He's Xi Zhiwei's husband, what right do you have to make me return to China?"

As she spoke, she reached out to grab the passport in PEI Munian's hand. However, when he raised his hand, su Wanwan's hand couldn't reach it. She could only stretch out her fingers and couldn't help but tiptoe to reach it.

"Give it back to me!"

PEI Munian held her passport in one hand and took out her phone from her pocket with the other. She quickly made a call.