Are you done (4)

As soon as su Wanwan walked out of the consultation room, she immediately took out her mobile phone from her bag, opened WeChat, found Gong Lingyu's profile picture, clicked on it, and quickly typed a text message and sent it.

After sending the message, su Wanwan put away her phone and the corners of her lips curled up.

She could feel that Gong Lingyu was a little special to Yu Jia, and Yu Jia didn't seem to have no feelings for him at all. Since that was the case, why not give it a try? who knew, there might be a chance!

It would be great if Gong Lingyu and Yu Jia could be together. Gong Lingyu was a good man, and Yu Jia was a good woman. They would definitely be happy!


After Yu Jia got off work, she took off her doctor's robe and tied up her loose hair. She left the hospital with her bag, got in the car, and drove to xxx club.

Although Yu Jia hadn't been here for a while, the people who often came to the club to exercise still recognized her and greeted her.