The courage to confess (3)

"Niannian, you've arrived in America?"

"Yes, I just got off the plane."

The man's slightly hoarse voice came from the phone with a hint of fatigue. your voice sounds so awake. Did you not sleep all night and wait for my call? "

Didn't sleep the entire night?

Su Wanwan subconsciously looked towards the window. Through the gap of the gauze window, there was already light shining in from the outside. Su Wanwan was stunned. She was actually annoyed about whether to say it or not for the whole night.

Su Wanwan couldn't help but grab her hair and laughed dryly to cover it up. I slept for a while. I was thinking about your phone call, so I woke up.

"Alright, are you at ease after receiving this call? Go back to sleep, didn't you get a shock yesterday?"

Su Wanwan's hand unconsciously clenched her phone. Her lips wriggled. She didn't know why but she blurted out, " niannian, you saw the DNA test report yesterday. Didn't you have any doubts? "