Is it really fine?(7)

When Lu Sheng said the words " kissing game, " the banquet hall burst into a commotion. Since it was a party between friends and everyone was young, there was no resistance. Instead, they were all eager to try.

"The rules of the game are to kiss the people around you, no matter if they are men or women, old or young, or whoever it is, you must kiss them without hesitation. The time limit is ten seconds. Okay, I'll start on three, two, one. Whoever you want to kiss, get into position!"

three! Lu Sheng shouted.

There was a sudden commotion in the banquet hall. Everyone moved quickly to the side of the person they wanted to kiss. Su Wanwan looked at the motionless PEI Munian across the crowd and her heart couldn't help but slowly feel uneasy.

This move of kissing was already the limit. If he still didn't have any reaction, su Wanwan's hands that hung on both sides of her body subconsciously clenched. PEI Munian, can you really watch other men kiss her?
