Are you really giving up?(5)

PEI Munian's mind immediately floated to the text message su Wanwan sent: [ are you sure you can't give me the answer I want? [ if you don't reply to me before 10 O 'clock, I'll take it as a silent agreement. ]

So, was this message her last chance?

She, su Wanwan, was always like this. After stirring up other people's hope, she would give up halfway and say that she loved him. Her so-called love was just like this.

It was precisely because he knew that she was like this that he didn't dare to take the risk.

Those that couldn't be obtained were always in turmoil, and those that were favored were fearless. Everyone thought that he was the one who was favored, but in reality, he was the one who couldn't be obtained.

He struggled, struggled, resisted, and pushed her away again and again to hide his timidity, cowardice, and inferiority.