Do you want me?(7)

Fortunately, the proposal was late, but his happiness was not. He had been waiting for this moment. He had been waiting for the woman he loved to stand in front of him shyly. He could finally show her his heart without reservation.

"Wanwan, Will you marry me? Are you willing to spend the rest of your life with me?"

The man's lips parted, and he spoke solemnly again, word by word. There was a never-before-seen focus and seriousness on his handsome face.

He clearly already knew each other's feelings. He clearly knew that su Wanwan would definitely agree, but at this moment, he seemed to have returned to that day. He was like a young and inexperienced boy, on tenterhooks, apprehensive. He imagined all of su Wanwan's possible reactions, sweet and throbbing.