Do you want me?(9)

Clusters of fireworks rose into the sky and bloomed. The fireworks were so bright that it seemed to be able to light up the entire night sky. The shape of the flowers was imprinted in everyone's eyes, and the people below cheered even more, all of them dancing and dancing, extremely happy.

PEI Munian and su Wanwan breathlessly separated. Their foreheads were against each other and their black eyes met. The small reflection in their eyes was more beautiful than the fireworks in the sky. They were the most beautiful existence in each other's eyes.

Su Wanwan raised her head from PEI Munian's arms and looked at the fireworks in the sky. Every one of them was so beautiful and dazzling, making their world bright and beautiful.

"Niannian, you're so pretty, Yingluo."

yes, it's for you. Do you like it? "

Su Wanwan couldn't help but look down at PEI Munian and nod her head hard. I like it very much.