Do you want me?(14)

The word " ambiguous " slowly entered her ears. Su Wanwan's white cheeks quickly flushed red and her beautiful eyes widened. The light in her eyes was so beautiful that it made people intoxicated. PEI Munian looked at her in-daze. The corners of her lips curled up and she walked towards the hotel with long legs.

Su Wanwan was shocked by the two words he said and didn't come back to her senses for a long time. When she reacted, she was already carried back to the room by PEI Munian. The next second, she was thrown into the soft bed.

When PEI Munian's tall body pressed down on her, su Wanwan's hands quickly pressed against his chest. niannian, no, you promised me to wait one more day!

PEI Munian's hand slowly tugged on his tie. Her thin lips parted slightly, and her voice was lazy. yes, I promised you that I'd give you one more day.