The responsibility I want is to get married (5)


Xi Zhiwei's eyes were not happy. They were still as dark as ever. Her voice was faint. only tonight? " What about tomorrow? What about the day after tomorrow? Brother mu Nian, you said you would take responsibility for me. Can you stay with me forever? I don't want to be alone."

"Come down first,"

no, you promise me first. Otherwise, you'll coax me every time and then disappear. I call you but you don't pick up, I send you text messages but you don't reply. I can't find you when I go to look for you. You only think of su Wanwan in your heart. You don't care about me at all. I've done so many things for you, how can you treat me like this? " The more Xi Zhiwei spoke, the more excited she became. Her voice became louder and her feet kept moving back.

The doctor below saw Xi Zhiwei's manic mood and nervously said to PEI Munian, boss PEI, why don't you agree to her request first? it's really dangerous to agitate her any further.