She's changed for the better?(4)

Her whole body was controlled by that indescribable feeling. Su Wanwan wanted to struggle but couldn't break free. He was neither fast nor slow. He just didn't want to give her a quick death. Su Wanwan's head shook and her voice was hoarse, with a trace of pleasant pain, " I don't know Huahua.

She didn't know what to say.

"You don't know? It seemed like he still didn't feel it? Since that's the case, I can only wait for you to feel it. "

PEI Munian suddenly stopped moving completely. She leaned on su Wanwan's body and kissed her again and again with her thin lips. It was light, as if a feather was brushing over it. It was itchy and unbearable.

And when he stopped like this, not only did su Wan not feel any better, but she felt even more uncomfortable, as if something was gnawing at her, scurrying around in her body, wanting to rush out.

Su Wanwan couldn't help but open her eyes and punch him angrily. hurry up and clean up.