I want a divorce immediately (4)

it's strange to say that. Our colleagues have checked the video recording of the scene. At that time, the car could have braked in time, but Mr. PEI Munian's car did not. Instead, it changed directions. As for why Mr. PEI Munian did not step on the brakes, our colleagues are still investigating.

As soon as the police officer finished speaking, the phone of another police officer rang. He answered the phone and spoke to the other side for a while. After hanging up, he said to Mr. And Mrs. PEI, the preliminary results are out. The brakes of Mr. PEI Munian's car broke, causing him to be unable to stop. That's why he kept changing directions, eventually crashing into the guardrail and flipping over.

"The brakes are broken?"

Mr. PEI was surprised. that's impossible. My son's car is regularly maintained. It was still fine when he drove over to the old house today.