A play within a play (4)

When PEI Munian looked over, su Wanwan happened to look over. Their eyes met across the crowd. Su Wanwan's lips had not even curved up when she was shocked by the unfamiliarity in PEI Munian's eyes.

She thought that he would be happy to see her, but she didn't expect that his familiar and handsome face was expressionless. He was still calm and looked at her with a cold gaze.

There was clearly a very close distance between them, but it was as if they were separated by thousands of mountains and rivers, and she could not cross it.

Su Wanwan's brows furrowed slightly and doubts rose in the bottom of her eyes.

The man in front of her was indeed her niannian. Why was he Hanhan?

Su Wanwan's footsteps unconsciously moved forward. There were only three steps left between them. She looked at PEI Munian fixedly, not hiding the longing and anxiety in her eyes at all.