A play within a play (12)

"Next, I'll naturally find an opportunity to clarify the matter." Shen Ziwei replied with a mysterious smile. I've found out that Xi Zhiwei will be accompanying PEI Munian to attend the opening ceremony of a resort tomorrow. That resort seems to be the ning family's property, so that ning Jingting should be there too. It'll be very lively. Let's go and join in the fun.

She didn't expect that brother Ziwei had already made plans for her. Su Wan's heart was filled with strands of warmth and she gratefully smiled. brother Ziwei, thank you.

alright, eat more and have a good sleep tonight. You'll only have the strength to fight tomorrow.



The next day.

The opening ceremony was at ten in the morning. On the first day, they would not be entertaining any guests, only those who had been specially invited by the hotel. Shen Ziwei had somehow managed to get two invitation cards, and they were able to enter the resort without a hitch.