Retribution will come (4)

The projector should be at the back. She only needed to enter the video into the computer and click play. Then, the video would be played in the banquet hall and everyone would see it.

Even though she didn't know what the chances of winning with this video were, she had to bet on this.

Su Wanwan walked into the inner room and pushed open the doors of several rooms before she found the computer room. She quickly walked over and operated the computer with the mouse, wanting to send the video over.

At the same time, the emcee outside announced the official start of the engagement party. He invited PEI Munian and Xi Zhiwei to pop some champagne, cut the cake, and announce the good news to the guests.

There was already applause outside. Su Wanwan furrowed her brows and looked at the speed of the video uploading like a snail. She couldn't help but be anxious.

PEI Munian and Xi Zhiwei walked to the cake that was as tall as a person and smiled at the crowd.