Chapter 1063: I Didn't Want This Child to Die

Xiao Mo couldn't help but wonder, was it coincidence or arrangement?

Five years later, Bai Man was so calculating, then Xiao Mo firmly believed, it must not be a coincidence!

Just before this, there had been a conflict between Xu Chaomu and Zhou Ran, and it was only this matter that was an unsolvable knot between Xu Chaomu and Shen Chi.

But why did Xu Chaomu and Zhou Ran have a conflict? You probably have to ask Xu Chaomu.

As an observer, he could see things more clearly than Shen Chi and Xu Chaomu.

Moreover, he wasn't a party involved, his decisions were much calmer than the other two.

While pondering, Xiao Mo listened to Dr. Li's narration.

She continued, "During that time, I kept refusing, but she wouldn't allow me to refuse, at first it was threats and temptations, but later when I still didn't comply, she came up with a plan to take my daughter, who was studying in Washington, into custody, which is to say, a house arrest in practical terms."