Chapter 1075: Feeling of Unease

After reading for a while, Xiao Mo felt a headache and stood up to go to bed.

In recent times, there had indeed been a great deal to handle, and similarly, Shen Chi also had a lot to manage. One wrong step could lead to unexpected mistakes.

Therefore, they both had to be extremely cautious.

It was raining today, and he did not feel very comfortable. He wanted to call Xu Chaomu but felt that doing so now would be too abrupt, so he abandoned the idea.

He rubbed his temples and soon fell into a deep sleep.

The heavy rain lasted all night long, with the wind and rain mixing together, lightning flashing, and thunder booming across the sky.

The wind swayed the branches, blowing the leaves to the ground where they scraped across the surface, dancing chaotically in the breeze.

The pond was filled to the brim by morning, and puddles along the roadside were also brimming with rainwater, turning everywhere into a vast swamp.