Look How Smug She Is

Ling Yueyue glanced at Sima Yu contemptuously, then she snorted with disdain.

This Sima Yu was notorious for being a stuck-up snob. When Ye Anxin and Mu Rufeng had been a couple, she had spent all her time kissing up to Ye Anxin. Now that Xie Yunlu was about to marry Mu Rufeng, she'd immediately changed her target. Here was another one who was utterly shameless.

"Okay!" Xie Yunlu readily agreed, and then she turned her head to look at Ye Anxin. "Anxin, let's go together as well."

Ye Anxin was just about to refuse when Xie Yunlu continued, "If you don't go, I will think that you don't have the guts."

"I'll go. Sure I'll go, why wouldn't I go? Of course I'll go." Ye Anxin had a sweet smile on her lips. No matter how much she loathed Xie Yunlu deep down, her face always had that same smile plastered on it.

"Okay! Then we'll all meet up at the school gates after school. I'll ask Rufeng to come as well." No one knew whether it was intentional or not, but when Xie Yunlu said Mu Rufeng's name, she deliberately raised the volume of her voice, as if she was afraid that Ye Anxin wouldn't hear her.

"Let's go. Why don't you tell us, how did you get Young Master Mu to marry you?" Xie Yunlu left amid the admiration of her fawning classmates.

"What's there to be so smug about? Look at how slutty she is, she's only good in bed." Upon seeing Xie Yunlu leave like a haughty peacock, Ling Yueyue snorted loudly.

Ye Anxin pushed Ling Yueyue a little. "That's enough! Class is about to start, so you better go back to your seat quickly. I understand what's going on."

"Okay, okay. I feel like a backseat driver." Ling Yueyue rolled her eyes at Ye Anxin. Although she was still worried about her, she obediently returned to her seat and sat down.

After Ling Yueyue left, Ye Anxin sat back down in her seat and put the wedding invitation that Xie Yunlu had just given her on the desk. She stared at the two smiling faces on the wedding invitation.

You guys feel extremely smug, don't you? I'll let you guys keep feeling smug for a while. Once you get married and you have to call me auntie, we'll see how smug you guys are then? We'll see if you guys can still laugh out loud then.

Ye Anxin gritted her teeth as she thought about this.

The day passed quickly. After school ended in the afternoon, everyone gathered at the school gates. When they'd arrived at the gates, Mu Rufeng was already waiting there in his Land Rover.

"Rufeng!" Xie Yunlu walked over with a bright smile and took Mu Rufeng's arm intimately.

Mu Rufeng nodded, then he subconsciously looked at Ye Anxin. Ye Anxin turned her head and ignored him completely.

Noticing the direction of Mu Rufeng's gaze, Xie Yunlu's face immediately fell, and she pinched Mu Rufeng's arm forcefully.

The pain caused Mu Rufeng to snap back to reality, and he said with a smile, "Let's go! I have already booked a box, so let's go there directly."

Everyone cheered and got in the cars specially sent by Mu Rufeng.

When everyone got to the doors of Mengjie KTV, Mu Rufeng went to the underground parking lot to park the car, and Xie Yunlu led the students directly toward the box.

During the entire way, except for Ling Yueyue, who accompanied Ye Anxin, the rest of their classmates surrounded Xie Yunlu and fawned over her.

Ye Anxin followed behind indifferently, while Ling Yueyue had turned red from anger.

Suddenly, their classmates who had been clamoring just now immediately quieted down, and even Xie Yunlu became silent.

Ye Anxin and Ling Yueyue looked at each other, then looked forward in bewilderment.

When she saw the man walking toward them, Ye Anxin's breathing stopped and her eyes widened. She stared blankly at him without knowing how to react.