My Baby, My Hero (5)

His icy stare made Lin Kelan shudder.

Having conveyed the message, Number One turned around and walked across the road.

Standing by her side, a terrified Xia Xiaotong regained her composure and rushed forward to help her up.

Lin Kelan pushed her away violently, saying, "Get lost."

Nursing her aching cheek, she got back on her feet.

Looking extremely upset, she watched as the Porsche departed. Then she brought out her phone, dialed a number, and yelled angrily into it, "I want you to do a search on a car right now. Registration S6666."

She refused to believe that An Ziqi could possibly have found herself a powerful backer.

An Ziqi got into the car and looked sternly at Xiao Yining, "Xiao Yining, kiddo, I must let you know that beating up somebody in broad daylight is not the right thing to do."

She paused, lightening up, and continued with a wide smile, "If you do that, you could easily give them the chance to take revenge. At least, you should do what they do on TV. Wrap a hemp sack around them and take them to a secluded spot before beating them up."

"In the vocabulary of the Xiao family, the word 'revenge' does not exist."

Xiao Yining looked at her with disdain. His mummy must have watched too many trashy TV dramas.

Nonetheless, he secretly heaved a sigh of relief. He had been feeling uneasy about An Ziqi behaving like other parents, giving him a dressing down about not bullying others. That would surely have given him a headache.

That said, he put on a defiant look and continued arrogantly, "Don't you worry. With me around, no one will bully you."

That smug look on his face was so adorable that An Ziqi succumbed to his charm and pulled him into her arms with a laugh, "Got it, my baby Ningning, my hero! You will always have Mummy's back."

Indeed, she was not a weakling who would suffer in silence when being bullied.

Also, she did not think that, by ordering Number One to teach Lin Kelan a lesson, Xiao Yining had not done anything wrong. There were some people that needed to be taught a lesson where and when appropriate.

So what if the method was a tad violent? Where was the harm in that?

Xiao Yining's ear lobes turned pink. He struggled a little in An Ziqi's arms before giving in and stayed still.

An Ziqi was pleased. Despite the little rascal's constant display of bravado and pretending to be someone older than his age, all she had to do was to reach out to him with a little warmth and concern, and his ear lobes would turn pink with embarrassment. Oh, it was just too cute.

Unable to hold back any longer, An Ziqi laughed merrily. With full intent, she took his little face in her hands and kissed him hard on both cheeks.

Xiao Yining wiped away the saliva on his cheeks in disgust and ignored her.

Remembering the empty fridge at home, An Ziqi did a detour to the supermarket with Xiao Yining before heading back.

When they entered the supermarket, An Ziqi pushed the shopping trolley with one hand and held onto Xiao Yining with the other.

"Mama, I want to sit on the trolley."

By her side, a kid of about four or five years old was clutching his mother's leg and pestering her.

"OK." The mother smiled and hoisted the kid into the shopping trolley.

Lips pursed, Xiao Yining glared at them. 'So childish.'

An Ziqi blinked. That should be the normal behavior of a kid.

Without asking him, she smiled and lifted Xiao Yining into the shopping trolley.

"Oh, great. Let's ride the trolley, too."

Instantly, Xiao Yining's cute little face turned as red as an apple.

Mummy was really so immature.

He was already five years old.

If Xiao Chen and the others found out about him being pushed around in a shopping trolley, they would definitely tease him forever.

Writhing uncomfortably, he tried to stand up but was eventually pushed back into the trolley by An Ziqi who laughed and said, "Let's go."

An Ziqi ran forward, pushing the trolley with all her might. Then, she stepped onto the trolley herself and let herself be carried forward by the momentum.

An Ziqi raced around the supermarket, pushing the trolley with Xiao Yining in it and leaving a trail of joyous laughter.

Xiao Yining's big eyes shone brilliantly.

He had never experienced anything so refreshing in his life, and his rosy red cheeks finally displayed the joy and sense of adventure normally seen in kids his age.

Numbers Zero and One followed them around apprehensively, nervous about the pair of them hurting themselves accidentally.

They were both stunned to see the genuine and natural smile on Xiao Yining's face.

The cold and emotionless face that they had become familiar with had softened, and they finally realized why the young master had wanted this woman to be his mother.

Once they were home, An Ziqi personally cooked Xiao Yining a delicious dinner.

After dinner, they watched TV together for a while.

When it was time for bed, An Ziqi cleared her throat and told Xiao Yining in no uncertain terms, "I want to sleep in another bedroom."