A Loving, Happy Family

All this time, An Ziqi had been the one making dinner.

But, now that An Ziqi was injured, Xiao Yining had thoughtfully arranged for food to be delivered.

By the time An Ziqi had washed up and changed, the food had been delivered.

While Xiao Moli was at the door taking the food, An Ziqi took the chance to pinch Xiao Yining's chubby cheek, whispering through gritted teeth, "You obviously know that he is the CEO of Huanyu. Why didn't you tell me?"

These two guys, one more devious than the other, were clearly intent on embarrassing her.

Blinking, Xiao Yining replied in all innocence, "Mummy, you asked if I knew about Huanyu's CEO, and I replied that I did."

This little rascal had the audacity to play word games with her.

Seeing that Xiao Moli was coming with the delivered food, An Ziqi pinched his cheek really hard before releasing him.

After just one bite of the food, Xiao Moli frowned slightly.

Since An Ziqi had been cooking them dinner all this time, he now preferred homecooked food.

It was not because An Ziqi had exemplary culinary skills, but simply because her food tasted like home, and that comforted him.

Glancing at An Ziqi's injured ankle, an icy streak flashed in his eyes.

Noticing his frown, An Ziqi, who, by now, was accustomed to his mannerisms, asked, "What is it? You don't like the food?"

Xiao Moli chewed leisurely and swallowed his mouthful of food.

"I've been thinking. Instead of you participating in that useless beauty contest, perhaps I should send you to culinary school to upgrade your skills."

An Ziqi stabbed angrily at the food in her bowl. After a long and exhausting day, she had had to come home every night to make dinner for them. Even so, they still had the audacity to complain.

Remembering his status, An Ziqi raised her head to look at him.

"Xiao Moli, can I discuss something with you?"

Xiao Moli looked calmly at her.

All these years, he had seen a countless number of women who had tried to climb into his bed for status and money.

He had attended the launch that day just to check out An Ziqi's reaction after his true identity had been made known to her.

So, was she now tired of holding back and about to make known her requests?

Or was she going to ask him to help her get a contract to act in Huanyu's movies?

Or did she just want money?

With these disparaging thoughts running through his head, Xiao Moli seemed to have lost his appetite instantaneously. Even his voice sounded a little colder as he responded, "Sure."

"In future, if anything like what happened today occurs again, can you please act like you do not know me?" An Ziqi said.

Raising his brows, Xiao Moli asked, "Why?"

"I'm taking part in a contest, which is still in progress. If, by any chance, I come out as a winner, any whiff of a relationship with you would lead to everyone saying that I had been selected as a favor to you," An Ziqi explained with disdain.

Xiao Moli's pent-up unhappiness instantly disappeared.

Any other woman would have killed to claim a connection with him, but she was the exception, wanting absolutely nothing to do with him.

What a stupid woman!

"I trust that the judges will have a discerning eye."

"Hey, what do you mean by that? What part of me do you see is worse off than the other women?"

An Ziqi was like a cat on the defensive, with its hair on end. Even if she were not the beauty of the century, she would still be more beautiful than the other mean-spirited women with their reconstructed features.

"I will definitely get the top prize just to prove that you are the one whose eyesight is problematic."

Lips twitching, Xiao Moli did not say another word.

These so-called beauty contests were merely a front for sponsors with hidden agendas.

Apart from the stipulated promotional drives for their respective companies, the sponsors would decide upfront whom they wanted to support and proceed to give them the appropriate awards and contractual commitments.

He was well aware of the effort that An Ziqi had put into the contest. However, that was the rule of the game in this industry. Looks and effort alone would not guarantee returns.

Many young women had, for that bit of fame and money, sold their bodies and souls.

Throughout the years, many women had tried to climb into his bed just to get ahead in the game.

Only An Ziqi would be so naïve think otherwise. But, this was no big issue since he was here for her.

Watching his daddy and mummy engrossed in a heated discussion, Xiao Yining grinned so broadly that his eyes appeared like slits on his.

They were just one loving, happy family. How nice!