Never Work With Sun Man Again

"Not only was she never sick but she even drank so much wine and wore such a sexy outfit! I wonder if there are any other photos?"

"Where did she get the confidence to question Su Bei for stealing her job and accusing the brand? Did Su Bei force her to drink the wine?"

Mr. Walter was considered to be sparing Sun Man a little dignity. He only showed a few photos and did not take them all out. Otherwise, Sun Man's reputation might be ruined on the spot.

Mr. Walter said, "Although HU isn't the world's top brand for wristwatches, we have our own corporate spirit and culture. We value our partners very much. We hope that our partners are outstanding people who are as hardworking, motivated, and honest as us.

"We not only hope to provide quality wristwatches to the world but also hope to inspire taste and grace, as well as moral qualities.