Tolerated Enough

Getting involved in this situation allowed him, the judge, to properly experience what it meant to create trouble out of nothing and the lengths people would go to for their selfish desires.

However, could those groundless accusations really beat justice? Jiang Hong didn't believe it! This time, he wanted to see just what other tricks the other party had up their sleeves!

Su Bei soon saw what was happening online.

Yue Ze called her and told her not to panic or act rashly. The company had already contacted Director Gibson.

Su Bei was not panicking at all. As she had not done anything wrong, she was not afraid. There was nothing going on between her and Jiang Hong. If it weren't for her meeting with Director Gibson, this crisis would not have happened.

However, who took the photo? Could it be that the other party had been following her all along?

She immediately called Lu Heting.