Betting Away

On the internet, Lu Weijian accepted the challenge. [Team battle or individual battle, you choose!]

Lu Tianci replied: [Everything. Is that alright?]

[Okay!] Lu Weijian made the decision and rang the battle bell.

On the internet, Sheng Xiaotang and Jia Shiyun had already started to warm up. They had posted a few videos of themselves playing games on Weibo, and they were quite good at it, causing their fans to praise them non-stop.

Sheng Xiaotang and Jia Shiyun were both pure and innocent. They had a lot of homebody fans. As expected, the videos of them gaming had already attracted many such fans.

Moreover, otakus were the ones who liked to play games the most. They were also the ones with the highest spending power. If they could convert their enthusiasm into games, live broadcasts, and future IP adaptation movies, Lu Tianci's career in S Country would be completely and thoroughly revived.