Of Course Not

Lu Tianqing's words all came from the moral high ground as if she was an innocent lady while Su Bei was a petty thief.

"Su Bei, do you want to cooperate with me in my investigation, or should we ask the police to deal with it?" Lu Tianqing seemed to be asking for her opinion on the surface, but in fact, her every word was aggressive.

Under such circumstances, even if Su Bei didn't agree, she would still force Su Bei to cooperate.

Before Su Bei could speak, the others said, "I don't think there's anything wrong with the arrangement. Su Bei, you should cooperate."

"Exactly. If there's a problem, we'll solve it. Let's not make a bigger fuss out of it."

Sheng Xiaotang also said, "Everyone is right. Su Bei, since we've discovered a problem, we can't completely pretend that nothing happened, right? Cooperate with us and we'll figure things out soon."