Everything Is Under His Control (3)

In their opinion, no matter how bad Tang Yue was, she was still better than Su Bei. They were very dissatisfied with Du Jinghao for proposing to break off the engagement without permission. He even specially came to visit Tang Yue.

However, Tang Yue was not in the mood to see them now.

"It's all Su Bei's fault. Really, she's a vixen. She's the one causing trouble," Ou Huanwei said angrily. "Anyway, I won't allow her to enter the Du family!"

In addition to the news that was already published, the media also followed up with the news of Tang Yue tossing Su Bei out into the streets when she was young.

[Tang Yue said that she was the one who took Su Bei to a faraway place when she was young and deliberately left her there so that she couldn't find her way home.

[At that time, Su Bei was only two years old. She was too young to deal with such a situation.

[Later on, Su Bei was picked up by the orphanage and adopted by the Su family.