Too Unpresentable

Was Xie Lifen deliberately trying to disgust Yuan Haoyang?

The more Yuan Haoyang resisted, the more he would fall out with his family. At that time, wouldn't the entire family belong to Xie Lifen and her son?

Yuan Haoyang was really unfortunate. Not only was he being forced by his family, but he was also being forced by his fans. He also had to resist in all aspects. His days were really not easy.

Ma Xiaohui told Guo Xintao everything and smiled. "Your chance has come. Yuan Haoyang is being attacked from all sides. I'm afraid he won't be in the mood to focus on his career. It's only a matter of time before you leave him behind!"

Guo Xintao was full of confidence. "I won't waste the opportunity you and Uncle gave me!"

"I know." Ma Xiaohui smiled happily.

The banquet had been going on for a while, but Yuan Haoyang had yet to appear.