Chapter 188 Simon White (4)

Hanhai Group made its start in architecture, naturally, they held a high regard for young talents in architectural design. Lu Weixi also held a certain admiration for Simon White. Despite never having met or knowing much about him, she just had a gut feeling that Simon White's ideas resonated with some of her own.

Take for instance, the iconic design he conceived inspired by a local sea bird species in Southern Europe that catapulted him to fame.

She spoke of such a totem on Valentine's Day during her sophomore year, saying to someone, "Have you heard of a sea bird species in Southern Europe that supposedly only has one mate for life? If it loses its mate, it prefers to stay alone for the rest of its life. At fishing times, you can hear it circling and mourning, calling out to its lost love. The locals really like it and depict its image on their architecture. I really want to go to Southern Europe and see this bird for myself."