Chapter 197: Heart-to-Heart between Husband and Wife (1)

Inside the second-class cabin.

Lu Weixi walked out of the bathroom, lazily returned to the bed while drying her hair.

Now that she had torn up the design draft and no longer needed to contact boss Liao, her main reason for being here is lost. In the remaining three days and nights, all she could do was enjoy it as a vacation.

Thankfully, the cruise ticket was not expensive. Otherwise, if it was a waste of two hundred thousand, how upset would she be?

The only thing worth looking forward to was that all food and drink are free on this cruise holiday, and all entertainment activities, excluding those involving financial transactions, were also free.

Since her mother fell ill, she had hardly had any easy days in the past five years. If she's not studying, she's working, and she also has to take care of her mother while dealing with Qin Zhiyou. Since there were no others around these days, she could relax, sip tea, and rest.