Chapter 213: Completely Renewed (1)

At eight in the evening, the banquet hall was bustling again.

On the second day of the cruise journey, a "Captain's Night" banquet would usually be held. Yesterday's fiftieth-anniversary celebration was too formal, and tonight, it was just an extravagant dinner.

Of course, attendance at this banquet was not mandatory, one could choose to dine elsewhere.

However, as the president of Hanhai, Qin Zhiyou had to attend. Not only did he come, but he also brought a female companion with him—Lu Weixi.

In the morning, he had made two requests to Lu Weixi. The first was for her to fulfill the duty of a group president's wife by accompanying him to the event and participating in 'spouse diplomacy'.

Lu Weixi did not refuse.

Although she had been reclusive for five years and lost contact with many old friends, this didn't mean she was timid or felt inferior because of the changes in her family. She was just too lazy to socialize or to be the life of the party at banquets.