Chapter 254: Dispensing Medicine (2)

The soundproofing in the mansion was really good, because he couldn't hear anything from under the window.

He could pretend to be an ostrich, since he could neither see nor hear anything, even though his hands had involuntarily tightened.

It would be false to say that he wasn't jealous at all. Their breakup had been a complete mess. After Lu Weixi and Qin Zhiyou got together, he vaguely realized that the things before their breakup had all been misunderstandings, but it was too late for regrets.

Watching them being intimate every day, and then marrying not long after, was like being pierced by a thousand arrows.

But what could he say? Everything was his fault. He shouldn't have believed what his eyes saw and what his ears heard. He misunderstood her and hurt her. When she needed him the most, he hurt her deeply, and she would never forgive him again.