Chapter 282: The Child (2)

"What?" Lu Weixi, who was being called out, had been lost in her thoughts since the beginning of the conversation. Although she had heard bits and pieces, none of it had really registered. Now that she was being questioned, she was somewhat confused.

"Miss Lu, you're 27, aren't you? It seems you still don't have a proper boyfriend," the designer next to her also began to gang up on her.

"Xiaolu, your age is perfect for having children, you'll recover quickly. If you wait too long, it will be more challenging in your thirties. Especially if you want a second child."

"Exactly, Miss Lu is so pretty. Any child she bears would definitely be good-looking."

After listening to the chatter for a while, Lu Weixi finally responded: "Alright, let's leave it at that. Get the materials ready as we discussed earlier and prepare to sign the contract. I appreciate all your hard work tonight."

Then, she hung up the group call first and set the group messages to 'do not disturb' mode.