Chapter 307 Wedding (3)

Fine, it's his money anyway, he can do as he pleases.

"Besides, Bai Changyou might also be attending the wedding today."

The mention of this name made Lu Weixi pause slightly, then she nodded and said nothing more.


They followed Qin Zhiyou's car all the way to the wedding venue, which was held in a five-star hotel. The whole hotel was reserved for the event. As the best man and maid of honor, Yu Sixing and Qin Zhimei stood welcoming guests at the entrance. As today was his sister's big day, Yu Sixing swallowed any distaste he had for Qin Zhimei's clinginess. However, the sight of Lu Weixi in her fancy dress made Qin Zhimei feel immediately inferior and resulted in her pulling a long face.

As Yu Sixing was shaking their hands, he whispered to them, "Uncle Bai is over there at the bottom right of the banquet hall."

Qin Zhiyou nodded, "Got it."