Chapter 390: Activity (2)

Three women putting on a show, with the stage all set, just waiting for a guest of honor to perform.

Xiang Yirou smiled and nodded, "Let's get started."

The director quickly turned the camera to the audience, jumping swiftly from face to face. Even without Liu Yiyi's instruction, the director had decided to focus on Qin Zhiyou and Lu Weixi. The banquet was being broadcasted live, with a concurrent online stream. Unlike TV, online viewers could post comments or pause at any time. The real-time highlights are indeed the scene where Qin Zhiyou and Lu Weixi held hands. Even though she was wearing a mask, her figure was outstanding and her manners good. Based on her exposed eyes and face shape, she was undoubtedly a beauty. What's more, Qin Zhiyou had made the move to hold her hand, signaling that they were still passionately in love. He seemed quite fond of her.