Chapter 393: Finding Fault (1)

After Lu Weixi returned home from the banquet, she ignored Qin Zhiyou for two days.

She had mentioned before, that she didn't want to interfere with his external affairs. However, there was one rule; nobody should bring trouble to her doorstep. Today, Liu Yiyi treated her as a mistress. Even if Liu Yiyi finds out that she is Mrs. Qin, will it be something to be proud of? Their glam and glitter are a direct provocation to her, it's like an ever-present reminder of what a failure she has been as Mrs. Qin.

Upon returning home to the Qin mansion, she had to be careful not to become a laughingstock to the members of the other households, especially Qin Zhigu's ludicrous face. Yet, after entering her bedroom, she didn't have to maintain her pretense anymore.

With her temperament, she couldn't say anything bad but just as she entered the bedroom before Qin Zhiyou, she slammed the door shut. Qin Zhiyou, unprepared, narrowly avoided a collision with the door.