Chapter 417: Kneeling in Penalty (5)

Originally, Qin Zhiyou, who was kneeling crookedly, immediately adjusted his posture at the sight of her descending. Qin Zhigu assumed he would kneel more upright, however, he instead slumped onto the chair more completely. If not for the inconvenience caused by Qin Zhigu's presence, he may have stubbornly held his posture a bit longer.

Qin Zhiyou had no choice but to be punished, even though his promise had just stabilized Lu Weixi's emotions and being punished by Grandfather Qin had allowed her to vent her anger. At least it prevented her from bringing up the topic of divorce with him.

However, he had a feeling that this matter wouldn't pass so easily.

Lu Weixi must have already taken her bath, her long hair was wet, and she was dressed in her home clothes. Due to the two men kneeling downstairs, she wore a modest home outfit. Although one man was kneeling upright and the other was almost half-dead, both of them were staring at her without blinking.