Chapter 463: Demand (Extra Chapter for 1000 monthly tickets)

Lu Weixi nodded again, "Alright."

Zhao Zihao left contentedly, not even giving Qin Zhiyou a backward glance.

Qin Zhiyou didn't talk to him. Zhao Zihao was never his focus, Lu Weixi was. He moved towards her as soon as she left the room, waiting for her to finish talking to Zhao Zihao before stepping forward again.

Lu Weixi looked at him, her eyes filled with exhaustion, joy, and a hint of confusion.

After a silent glance at her, Qin Zhiyou suggested, "Let's go home."

Lu Weixi initially wanted to refuse, but when she looked into Qin Zhiyou's eyes, she slowly nodded and said, "Okay."

Qin Zhiyou turned to leave first. She followed him immediately, both of them heading towards the elevator together. Qin Zhiyou pressed the elevator button and she obediently followed along; they didn't exchange a single word.