Chapter 469: Unknown (2)

"Uncle, Aunt, what are you two discussing so animatedly about? Not telling your nephew? I would love to hear it too."

Qin Zhiyou said as he made his way into the room through the main entrance. The conference room table was a circular one. He went to the center, hands in pockets, ascended the podium and directly shooed Qin Weijian and Qin Weijia from their main seats. Then, unceremoniously, he assumed the center spot himself. As soon as he sat, Secretary Wang and other top executives followed suit, standing by his side, wearing solemn expressions.

Qin Zhiyou sat diagonally, not glancing at Qin Weijian and Qin Weijia, and simply smiled faintly, "Come on, isn't this meeting convened to criticize me? I'm right here, speak up."