Chapter 547 Love You Specifically (1)

Over there, Qin Zhiyou was carrying Lu Weixi away.

He was actually quite interested in hearing what Lu Weixi might reveal after a few drinks. But since Lu Weixi can hold her liquor well and wouldn't have made a scene unless he had upset her the last time, he wasn't counting on it.

He was indeed busy today, currently negotiating business alliances, specifically with the Steel Group. He wasn't particularly concerned about any ulterior motives. As long as they invested money and worked together for mutual profit, with him spearheading the operation, what was there to worry about?

But he finished discussing the contract by evening and had been waiting for Lu Weixi to message him ever since.

He had also been keeping tabs on Ms. Wang. Whether it was sweet words or just an emoticon, let alone a message for Ms. Wang, he would've rushed over in an instant.

But nothing.

Absolutely nothing. Not at six in the evening, not at eight either.