Chapter 553: Beating Yellow (1)

Xue Feifei lived outside for a total of three days.

Previously, Xue Feifei had never thought that she would experience such a day, where like a stray dog, she was driven hither and thither, exhausted from continuous running.

She was smart, moving to a different hotel every day, not living in luxurious multi-star hotels, but rather in those affordable ones with rooms priced around two to three hundred yuan per night.

Moreover, the hotels she stayed in were not from the same chain brand, all to avoid being tracked.

She thought about returning to her hometown on the second day after the incident had occurred. She called her mother, "Mom, where are you these days?"

The Xue family, although not as wealthy as the Bai family, was also a decent middle-class family. They had a house and a car in Yan City. Xue's father held a pretty high position in his company. Xue's mother lived a decent life, naturally making time for self-care, travel, and shopping.