Chapter 561: New Identity (3)

He had actually heard the movie director say that among all the women who auditioned, Xue Feifei was his top choice.

But she had no background, no money, and not even an agency to fight for her. Although the director had a lot of power, sometimes he had to consider the wishes of the investors.

The movie was co-funded not only by Yu Sixing, but also by another company, which was determined to introduce a new face in the industry and was very aggressive. At that time, Sixing and Feifei were at odds, really at odds. He had no obligation to help her stay, so he had to concede by default.

Who would have thought that they had already started filming when the lead actress sprained her leg, even fracturing it. Had this been any other drama it wouldn't matter, but this female secondary lead was a dancer. The movie included multiple scenes featuring her dancing, and now that her leg was fractured, what were they supposed to do?