Chapter 664 Relationships (3)

"Knock, knock, knock" echoed another round of knocking at the door; Xue Feifei had already brushed her teeth, tidied up, and was ready to rest.

"Who is it?" She spit out her mouthwash, dried her face, and guessed that Lu Weixi who left hastily earlier might have left something behind.

She left the bathroom, unlocked the door, but as she was about to open it, she had a sinking feeling.

If it were Lu Weixi, why wouldn't he say a word?

However, it was too late. As she hesitated, the door was already unlatched. Once pushed, the door swung open — standing there, shocking her, was Yu Sixing!

At this, Xue Feifei's heart pounded in her chest, wishing she could shut the door quickly. Yu Sixing held the door open with his arm: "Be good, open the door."

"Good my ass!" She wasn't stupid. Opening the door at this moment was an open invitation to let him do whatever he wanted. Despite her precautions, changing hotel rooms, she still couldn't escape him, could she?