Chapter 17 - Throwing Herself At Him

Ji Anyao was not a fool. When she saw the way the woman was behaving, she could guess who she was even though she had never met her before. 

It seemed that she had really come for her this time... 

The union of the Bai Family and the Qin Family through the marriage of their children had caused a huge uproar in the entire city. Even though Ji Anyao did not pay much attention to it then, she knew that the Qin Family and the Bai Family shared an extraordinary relationship with each other. The woman in front of her was undoubtedly the daughter of the Qin Family, who was said to be engaged to Bai Siyu.

Unfortunately, she had found the wrong person. 

There wasn't a so-called "mistress" at all and Ji Anyao was disdainful towards the idea of being a third party in their relationship. Although Bai Siyu was a dreamboat whom many women coveted and swooned over, Ji Anyao was not one of them. 

Since she did not have a guilty conscience, she was extremely confident and could hold her head up high. 

Not flustered at all, she retorted with contempt, "Are the people of the Qin Family all so nosy? Just because your family holds some power, you're throwing your weight around and trying to find out all about someone else's family background... Your actions are truly the same as that of those tabloids that catch the attention of others through exaggerated reports." 

Perhaps because she had never met such a haughty "mistress" before, Qin Muyan was a little stunned after hearing her words and there was a tinge of menace in her gentle gaze. 

"I've embarrassed myself. Initially, I didn't want to care either, but someone shamelessly climbed onto the bed of someone else's fiancé. Yet she has no self-awareness... If I didn't know about it, it would be fine. But since I've found out, I have to step in to give you some reminders, lest things blow out of proportion and make all of us look bad. Miss Ji, you're a smart person. I'm sure you don't need me to tell you what the stakes are, right?" 

"Mrs. Bai, if you're that free, why don't you take your man in hand... You may stay out of my business." 

Ji Anyao deliberately emphasized on the words "Mrs. Bai" and smiled. Not willing to stay behind any longer, she walked past Qin Muyan and left with her head held high and her chest puffed up. 

'Seriously... all these people have been harassing me for no reason. Do they really think I'm a pushover who can be manipulated by them?'

'So silly and senseless.' 

Fortunately, Qin Muyan was a sensible woman and did not yell at the top of her lungs like Shen Yue did. Seeing that Ji Anyao had left, she did not chase after her. After all, she had already said her piece and if she were to pursue the matter at such a place, she would only be holding herself cheap. Of course, she wouldn't do that. 

"Turns out your name is Kitty Ji..." 

As soon as she turned at the corner, she looked up to see Yan Lie leaning on the wall with his elbows against it, smoking a cigarette with a sinister grin. He had obviously overheard their conversation.

Ji Anyao turned around to leave without hesitation!

Yan Lie had long wanted to watch a good show. Of course he wouldn't let her leave. 

He quickly strode forward to grab her arm, after which he blew some white smoke at her face. 

"What are you running so fast for? Are you afraid that I'd eat you up?" 

His voice was penetratively sexy. After all, he was popular with women and was definitely much better at flirting than Bai Siyu. If she was any less determined, she would have probably fallen for his words and snuggled up in his embrace. 

However, Ji Anyao didn't buy it. 

She said coldly, "Let go." 

"We've just shared a passionate kiss and now you're turning your back on me... Don't you think you're being a little too merciless? Or are you trying to escape because that woman is here?" 

Yan Lie did not let go of her hand, but instead clenched it tighter while putting his other arm around her waist, getting more and more unruly with her.

Ji Anyao's face turned sullen and she hollered, "Let go of me! Damned pervert!"

It was probably the first time someone called Yan Lie a pervert, but he didn't get angry at all. Instead, he felt a sense of novelty and became more and more brazen with his hands! 

"What if... I don't?" 

It was dim in the nightclub and most of the patrons were lustful men and women. Hence, no one found it strange that they were standing still on the walkway. In fact, there were very few who'd even take another glance at them. However, there was someone who was particularly interested in that scene. 

Standing about ten steps away from them, Qin Muyan took out her cellphone and snapped several pictures of them under the flickering lights. She then smiled a little and walked away. Naturally, she wasn't stupid enough to disturb Yan Lie when he was having fun. 

Ji Anyao refused to let him take liberties with her.

Some people were used to taking a mile when given an inch and had terrible personalities because they had been spoiled rotten. If she just let them be, they would go overboard with her. 

Yan Lie was still prideful after all and it was impossible for him to put on a racy show for everyone else to watch for free. Seeing that she refused to cooperate and didn't seem to be playing hard to get, he decided to let go of her as he felt that it would be pointless to continue with the struggling. 

However, he couldn't let her leave either, so he dragged her back to the private room. 

Ji Anyao was devastated. As soon as she escaped the lion's den, she was dragged back to it again. She felt that she was really out of luck today.

As soon as the door opened, the people inside saw the two of them entering, hand in hand; their clothes were messy, their hair were unkempt, and their breathing were irregular... Anyone who wasn't blind would be able to tell that there was something fishy. 

Hence, someone gibed derisively, "Some people are really impressive at seduction... I wonder who your master is. How did you train to the point of being so coquettish and seductive?" 

"Exactly, you were acting all high and lofty and the next moment, you threw yourself at him behind everyone's backs. You're really good at pretending. You changed so quickly, it's impressive!" 

"Ah, some people are just born to be seductive. There's no use being envious." 

Ji Anyao simply ignored them as she didn't want to stoop to the level of those blabbermouths. She would respond to a figure of status like Qin Muyan, but she wouldn't bother arguing with a bunch of illogical and unreasonable women. 

She decided to let them be since she had already been bombarded with a slew of malicious comments on the internet bright early in the morning. The netizens were far more vicious than these women.

Yan Lie glanced at them indifferently, not planning to stand up for her either. However, she was much calmer than he had expected and her reaction showed that she didn't seem to have taken it to heart. 

She looked in front with glassy eyes. 

Qin Muyan had already taken the seat beside Bai Siyu and of course, she had even brazenly but not deliberately declared her status and authority as his rightful fiancée. 

On the other hand, Ji Anyao the "mistress" naturally had to stay away. It was fortunate for her that she didn't get chased out and hit with a rod, and could still stand there decently without losing any pride. 'Maybe I should cry tears of gratitude and kneel down to kowtow to her to thank her for sparing me the death penalty.'

Amused by her own idea, Ji Anyao burst into uncontrollable laughter. 

Qin Muyan looked at her in bewilderment and remained silent. 

Yan Lie immediately pulled her towards him and made the woman beside him make space for her. However, the woman, who had curly tresses and a slender waist, had no choice but to reluctantly move to the side as she dared not defy him. 

Bai Siyu looked over to see that Yan Lie had his arm around Ji Anyao's waist and she was smiling sultrily with her eyes glassed over. She was not as resistant as she was towards him previously.