Chapter 29 - His Heart Aches

The Han Family and Gu Family had friendly ties with each other. Taking pity on her for losing her biological mother since she was a child, Han Yi's father, Uncle Han, and Aunt Lan had always taken good care of her. In fact, they treated her hundreds of times better than Gu Mingyuan did. 

Ji Anyao was full of respect and gratitude towards them. 

A year ago, Uncle Han became very ill due to excessive hours of working and since then, his body collapsed and he hadn't gotten better.

If Yan Lie, who wouldn't stop until he achieved his goal, intervened at this juncture, Uncle Han would definitely find out about the matter sooner or later even if Han Yi tried to hide it. No one could predict what would happen then... 

Hence, she couldn't take the risk!

However, she could not bring herself to accept and give in to Yan Lie's unreasonable and overbearing demand. 

While she hesitated, Yan Lie seemed to be confident about winning as he wasn't in a hurry at all. He spoke in a relaxed tone.. as if he was teasing the prey that he had caught and would bite it to death once he got sick of playing with it. 

"I'll give you three days. You can take your time to consider... I'll wait to hear your answer three days from now."


Ji Anyao slammed the door hard!

It was as if she could isolate the malicious man from her life by doing so. 

However, that was just wishful thinking on her part… Devils were devils because they would linger around and never go away. 

After going downstairs and taking several deep breaths, Ji Anyao could barely force herself to smile. She didn't want to bring the negativity that she got from Yan Lie to Han Yi's ward.

She obviously couldn't let Han Yi hear of the conversation she had with Yan Lie. 

The entire matter was a misunderstanding in the first place. If Han Yi knew that Yan Lie had made such a request of her, it was possible that he'd pick a fight with him again. Hence, the best solution was to prevent any further contact between Han Yi and Yan Lie, so that things would not take a turn for the worse. 

In Ji Anyao's impression, Han Yi had always been calm, unfazed by changes, composed and collected... The reason that he lost control of his temper on a few occasions seemed to be her. 

In the past, she thought that Han Yi did his best to protect her only because he regarded her as his own sister, just like how Su Chengyu treated Yin Mei'er.  However, after Han Yi confessed his feelings to her, Ji Anyao realized that she had misunderstood big time. His feelings for her were different and that was the reason he would lose his composure and his ability to make proper judgment whenever something happened to her. 

Everything happened so suddenly that Ji Anyao still hadn't quite processed it. 

Especially after something like that happened last night, it was even harder for her to accept Han Yi for the time being... If she made a decision in haste, then it would obviously not be fair to either Han Yi or herself.

"Anyao, you're here!" 

When he opened the door and saw Ji Anyao standing at the end of the corridor from afar, Su Chengyu immediately picked up in his pace and walked over.

He asked softly, "What did that kid Yan Lie say to you? Did he bully you?"

"No, don't worry about it, he wouldn't dare to mess around in the hospital..."

Ji Anyao smiled and shot him a reassuring glance in a bid to change the topic. 

However, Yan Lie had a terrible reputation and Su Chengyu obviously wouldn't believe that he really didn't do anything to her. 

"What conditions did he raise?"

Seeing that Su Chengyu was bent on getting to the bottom of the truth, Ji Anyao had no choice but to be honest with him. However, she did not reveal Yan Lie's true agenda. 

Otherwise, if they were to find out that Yan Lie had said those nasty words to her... even Su Chengyu would rush up to beat him up, let alone Han Yi! 

"Yan Lie wouldn't give in no matter what. He said that Han Yi and I were the ones who caused this matter, so we have to bear the consequences... He wanted me to inform Han Yi to be careful about his company. He even threatened to make Han Yi suffer."

"That's all? Nothing else?"

"Well... what else could he have said? What else were you expecting to hear?"

"Good that there's nothing else!"

Su Chengyu was somewhat convinced after seeing the look of confusion in Ji Anyao's eyes. He did not continue to probe further and instead sneered coldly. 

"Psht! Does he really think that he's the king? If he has what it takes, come at me! He'd better not think that he's the only ruthless one in this world. We're not to be trifled with either!"

"Let's stop talking about him. How's Han Yi? Is his situation alright?" 

Holding onto Su Chengyu's arm, Ji Anyao secretly heaved a sigh of relief and pulled him away. 

"My left hand is injured and it's been put in a cast. The situation is not too serious yet... as long as you rest well and undergo treatment, there should not be any aftereffects." 

As they talked, they pushed the door and entered the ward.

Han Yi did not know that Ji Anyao had been called to see Yan Lie earlier. He simply believed what Yin Mei'er said about Ji Anyao being in the shower when she received the news, so she could not rush over immediately and was slightly late.

When he saw her coming in, he subconsciously looked at her neck and the look of joy on his face immediately vanished when he saw the bruises on her neck which she had yet to cover up. He started suppressing his anger. 

His voice was low and hoarse, and he seemed to be desperately trying to restrain something. 

"Anyao... who did this to you?" 

Before coming, Ji Anyao had specifically instructed Su Chengyu and Yin Mei'er not to create any trouble again and reveal the matter of her sleeping with Bai Siyu.

In the current situation, it was best that Han Yi didn't know.

She could not let him provoke Bai Siyu after messing with Yan Lie. 

If he were to offend the both of them, Han Yi would definitely suffer. It was not that she looked down on Han Yi, but because the situation... was detrimental to anyone. 

"I don't know... I was unconscious at that time and when I woke up, he was already gone..."

Ji Anyao looked down a little, seemingly not wanting to mention much about that matter. She suppressed her voice and it was a little shaky and pitiful. 


Han Yi clenched his fist and slammed the headboard of the bed, the hostility in his eyes was so intense that it could not fade. 

He felt heartache, anger, self-reproach... and sympathetic. 

He was also filled with regret that he could not get rid of. 

'Yesterday, I shouldn't have left her alone to go look for Bai Siyu. If I had been by her side, that wouldn't have happened. In the end... I'm largely responsible for the grievances that Ji Anyao has suffered.'

'I... did not take care of her well.'

"I'm sorry, Anyao... it's all my fault. If I hadn't left you at that time, but accompanied you to look for Yin Mei'er..."

"Stop it Han Yi, it's not your fault and I'm not trying to blame you..."

Ji Anyao interrupted him. Recalling yesterday's situation, Han Yi could not help but squint slightly with a dark luster that rose in the bottom of his eyes. The tone of his voice was cold and aloof too.

"What happened yesterday was really strange, just like today. I feel that someone is targeting me and is out to make me fall into a death trap... So, it's not the time for you to blame yourself now and you don't have to find out who took advantage of me since i was taken advantage of in the end and it doesn't matter who it was. I won't be too affected by this or waste my time and energy on nabbing that mad dog. I might as well find that guy. I definitely won't let go of him!" 

Han Yi frowned, but he could not get over it as easily as Ji Anyao could. 

It was not that he found her filthy. No matter what she became, he wouldn't mind it. He just couldn't stand the fact that that man who was worse than a beast had done something so outrageous to her! 

The more she acted like she didn't care, the more his heart ached for her... so much that he couldn't put it in words. 

She had always been that strong since they were children... 

Even if she suffered a huge blow, he had never seen her shed a single tear. Sometimes... he would rather have her jump into his arms and start bawling like other girls than see her being as tough as steel and bottle up her feelings of misery and agony.