Chapter 32 - External Factor

Lin Rui saw more and more people around her and frowned.

She didn't like being surrounded by spectators.

Lin Rui grabbed Li Tao by his collar and dragged him away.

"Let's go, we'll talk somewhere else." 

Li Tao was instantly displeased. 

'I don't want to be embarrassed!'

He tried hard to struggle and shake Lin Rui off. 

However, after struggling for a long time... it was still futile. 

Li Tao was bewildered. 

'Since when has Lin Rui become so strong!?' 

Dumbfounded, he was dragged away by Lin Rui. 

The female students, who were gathered around her to look at them, clutched their chests.

"Why do I feel that Lin Ru has become boyfriend material after cutting her hair short and removing her makeup? She's so suave!" 

"You're not alone!" 

"Add me 1234567."


On the other hand, Ouyang Jin's eyes turned gloomy when he saw Lin Rui being in a scuffle with Li Tao. 

He turned around and said to Xiao Qian, "Let's go." 

"Hey, are we going to leave just like that? Look at them..."

Xiao Qian paused, and then, he realized that his best friend was really not interested in all of that. Hence, he had no choice but to quickly catch up to Ouyang Jin. 

On the other hand, Lin Rui had already brought Li Tao to a less crowded place and flung him directly to the wall.

With his back pressed against the wall, Li Tao looked at the suave girl in front of him who was about the same height as himself.

He felt as if his heart had pounded twice.

After coughing and clearing his throat, he finally found his voice again.

"Lin Rui, what do you mean? Do you want to get into a fight?"

"You can't beat me," Lin Rui said as she looked at the hipster teenager in front of her quietly. 

He was just like the former owner whom she saw in the mirror when she just woke up. 

He was a problematic teenager.

She clipped, "Li Tao, from now on, I have nothing to do with that Miracle of yours. So, don't appear in front of me again, you hear?"

Li Tao was stunned.

He frowned, and his voice suddenly became softer. 

"Lin Rui, are you blaming me for getting you involved in a car accident? At that time, I was scared to death when I saw you during that accident! When I went home, I was beaten up by my parents, and they targeted my face! That's why I haven't left the house at all this summer. Fortunately, I later heard that you woke up, otherwise I, I..."

Lin Rui let go of his collar and said calmly, "Don't bring up the past again." 

She turned around and was about to leave.

Li Tao suddenly felt very uncomfortable.

"Lin Rui, you really still hold it against me! But, I swear, I had someone check your car before the race, and your car was completely fine! I don't know why the brakes on your car would suddenly fail!"

Lin Rui suddenly stopped in her tracks. 

'Was the car accident that Lin Rui got into not an accident at all?'

'It was a deliberate act!' 

Lin Rui had wanted to do something for the original owner before.

Now it seemed that she will be bent on investigating and getting to the bottom of the truth!

Thinking of this, Lin Rui walked back and said to Li Tao, "Are you sure there was no problem with the car before?"

"Of course. I may usually be quite reckless, but racing is indeed very dangerous. Before driving, I'd definitely check the car properly. I know I have to do the necessary checks. Later on, they said that you crashed into the guardrail because you were too inexperienced. I originally wanted to see if I could help you repair your car, but it turned out that your brakes were faulty." 

"Who else have you told this matter to?" 

"You're the only one! I was released only yesterday, so I deliberately went to check your car. That was when I discovered it." 

Lin Rui frowned.

Why would such a major matter be covered up?