Chapter 40 - Xing May Have Forgotten About Us

There was a hint of doubt in Xu Man's heart. 

However, she said gently, "Lin Rui, I just happened to have brewed some tonic soup. Do you want to have some? There's some more in the kitchen downstairs."

"No, thank you, Auntie Xu." 

Lin Rui smiled faintly and then turned around to go to her room upstairs.

Xu Man frowned.

After she entered the study, she placed the soup on the table and said casually, "Zikang, what happened to Lin Rui? She didn't seem to be too well when I saw her coming out of the study just now."

"Lin Rui doesn't seem to be too well?"

Lin Zikang looked up and continued in puzzlement, "She seems fine to me." 

"Oh, did she suffer some kind of a blow after a day of exams in school today?"

Lin Zikang sighed after hearing her words. 

Indeed, his daughter was doing poorly in her academics. 

Rubbing the middle of his forehead, he said, "Yeah, Lin Rui talked to me about this matter too. She feels that her academic foundation is too poor and wants me to find her a tutor."

Xu Man was relieved to hear that.

Her tone became much gentler. 

"It's a good thing that Lin Rui wants to study now. We ought to get her a tutor. Previously, I was thinking of asking Lin Xiao to teach her, but it seems that I didn't consider it thoroughly. Why don't I go ask around tomorrow and find the best tutor?"

"That's not necessary. Lin Rui said that she would consult her homeroom teacher about it. Don't worry." 

"Alright, that works too."

Xu Man stopped feeling worried after finding out that Lin Rui had talked to him about hiring a tutor and not something else. 

Xu Man was not in the least bit bothered about the fact that Lin Rui was suddenly motivated to study harder. 

If one could improve their grades significantly by just putting in a bit of effort, wouldn't there be star students everywhere? 

Xu Man thought that even if Lin Rui started working hard and her grades improved, all her efforts would be pointless so long as she didn't surpass Lin Xiao!

Xu Man was still very confident in her daughter Lin Xiao's academic competency.

On the other hand, Lin Rui returned to her room. 

She first went into Qi Bao's space and told him about Yun Ze. 

"We must contact him directly to know if he is Xing. One more thing, I also suspect that Xing has already reincarnated or has forgotten everything that happened before."

Qi Bao widened his adorable eyes. 

"Master, are you saying that Xing may have forgotten about us?"

"Yes, that's possible, but what we have to do now is to confirm if he's Xing. We'll leave the rest for later." 

Despite saying that, Lin Rui discovered some melancholy in her heart. 

She took a deep breath and tried to get rid of the sorrow.

Lin Rui continued, "But Yun Ze has a very high status, and it's not easy to approach him. I have to think of a solution. The capital is about a three-hour-flight away from Jin City." 

Qi Bao blinked. 

He sighed and said, "Master, if you still have your Immortal Sword, we'd be able to go there by sword flight. That would be much faster than taking a plane."

Lin Rui rubbed his soft hair helplessly.

It seemed that her only option was to board a flight to the capital on Friday night and then rush back to the city before school on Monday. 

After leaving Qi Bao's space, Lin Rui opened her books and started studying.

She took out all the questions that she couldn't solve in the mock test earlier today and found the steps to solve them. She then began analyzing the questions, one by one.

At the same time, Lin Rui discovered that the same solutions could be applied to the same type of questions and that each question may have several types of solutions. 

She had a good memory, but there was still a large number of sums to do. 

By the time she was finished, it was already past three in the morning.