Chapter 13 Being Perplexedly Pursued

Lin Cheng's eyes brimmed with peach blossoms, but he didn't reply if he liked her or not. Instead, he asked, "Does she have a boyfriend?"

"Boyfriend... no," but she does have a husband.

"That's just fantastic. I feel like my spring has arrived, and love has awakened," Lin Cheng said joyfully with a laugh.

"Not enough seasons in a year for you," Ji Huaiyu teased. A spring for every season is too many, and love shouldn't be reawakened too often either.

Lin Cheng was momentarily choked up and asked irritably, "What, do you like her? Do you want to pursue her?"

Ji Huaiyu laughed meaningfully, "I wouldn't dare. You go after her. I think you two are well-matched, a match made in heaven, truly."

If it weren't for that kid Lin Cheng saying he had thoroughly investigated and found out Yun Kai was like a playgirl, with a cruel and malicious heart.

He wouldn't have spoken so directly to Seventh Brother, only to be slapped in the face the very next second.

Lin Cheng had no clue about Ji Huaiyu's thoughts.

He just mysteriously felt something was amiss but couldn't quite pinpoint what exactly it was in that moment.


When Yun Kai was dining and the doorbell suddenly rang, she was taken aback as she hadn't informed anyone that she was living here.

Who could be ringing the doorbell?

Yun Kai didn't want to answer it, but the persistent ringing made her get up to open the door.

Standing outside was a delivery guy, holding a large bouquet of bright red roses, specifically addressed to Miss Yun Kai.

Yun Kai was astonished.

She signed for the roses and found a card amidst the flowers, on it was an English phrase: "your neighbor"

Your neighbor.

The flowers were from her neighbor, but who was her neighbor?

Yun Kai instinctively thought of Lin Cheng, whom she had met outside the elevator earlier. It couldn't be him, could it?

She tossed the roses aside and continued with her meal.

Night fell, stars filled the sky, and all was silent. Yun Kai lay in bed, tossing and turning, unable to sleep.

She was somewhat afraid that rebirth was just a dream.

That when she woke up from a night's sleep, everything would return to before: her disgrace, her broken family, her lost world.

Exhausted and drowsy, her consciousness blurred, she slowly drifted off to sleep, yet felt as if lost in a fog, tossing and turning.

The next day, it was a nightmare that startled Yun Kai awake, drenched in sweat and gasping for air.

The warm sunlight filled the room. Sitting up in bed, Yun Kai gradually calmed down and finally felt the true sensation of her return!

Everything was just beginning. She had to believe that the future would be better.

After washing up, Yun Kai headed to school for classes.

Outside the academic building, Liu Xixi was waiting for her, dressed in a flowing white gown, chatting with a girl next to her, her demure appearance like that of a frail white flower.

The girl beside her was named Yao Yanyan, a mutual friend of hers and Liu Xixi's.

With sharp eyes, Liu Xixi spotted Yun Kai and immediately ran over, lifting her dress: "Yun Kai, you're here..."

She began to brush off yesterday's incident, convinced that with her relationship with Yun Kai, even if Yun Kai was angry, a few gentle words would settle everything.

But when she returned to the dormitory to find Yun Kai had moved out, her calls unanswered, her texts ignored, being blacklisted—then she truly panicked!

Yun Kai couldn't cut ties with her. Each month someone gave her a sum of money to befriend Yun Kai and report on her every move.

If they found out Yun Kai was ignoring her, she would lose this significant income.

She had to appease Yun Kai!

Liu Xixi ran over and grabbed Yun Kai's hand, pretending as if nothing had happened, and that they were still the inseparable best friends.

Yun Kai's gaze turned icy; she remained silent and stepped away.

Looking at her empty palm, Liu Xixi's eyes reddened and she asked pitifully, "Yun Kai, what's wrong..."

Yun Kai hid the coldness in her eyes and looked at her with feigned sadness, "Don't you know what's wrong? I treated you as my best friend, yet you slandered me behind my back!"

She had no interest in dealing with Liu Xixi.

But if Liu Xixi wasn't there, someone else would be, placed by the same people. So it might as well be Liu Xixi, at least knowing who to keep her guard up against was preferable.