Chapter 346: Unable to Accept

Fruit after fruit was hailing down on Ling Fangzhou.

With all his might, Lingyue was throwing. Though they were only fruits, when thrown with such force, they stung painfully upon impact.

As painful as his injuries were though, the agony inside his heart was so much greater.

His son... his and his wife's only son... His eyes were fixed on him as if Ling Fangzhou was his most hated enemy.

He tried to open his mouth to say something, but no sound came out.

His head was in a whirl of confusion. When he regained consciousness, he had already fled the Gu Family's home.

Vivid image after vivid image passed across his eyes, showing Lingyue, his eyes filled with hatred and anger. He then envisaged his wife's hand clutching onto his, using her last breath to plead with him to take care of their son.

These scenes were playing alternately in his mind, causing bouts of excruciating pain to his head and heart.