Meng Fu's calligraphy (Part 1)

Yan Li was a character that was difficult to handle, and he had a Foundation of readers on the internet. During the casting, the crew looked at the female stars in the industry who were suitable for this role.

Meng Fu's just a little lacking in fighting scenes. the director had seen Meng Fu's acting skills before, and it was too difficult for him to give up on Meng Fu. alright, if you don't want to change, then don't.

Director Gao estimated that during the fight scenes, the camera should focus more on the supporting characters. Meng Fu should give more close-up shots of their expressions and do a few more fixed movements. The rest would be left to the stuntmen.

The two of them were talking in the studio.

Outside the set, the male lead, Qin Hao, had also arrived. He got out of the nanny van. Originally, the crew only needed two assistants to accompany him.