Black market racing (1)

The Federation-international market deal this time was simply and crudely in the name of racing.

The race would be held on the black market Lane the next night, and because of this, there had been a lot of riots in the International Federation these two days.

The black-haired man was ding mingcheng's partner, an orphan who had been adopted together since they were young. The two of them often worked together on missions, and their cooperation was perfect.

Hearing the man's words, su Xuan's eyes narrowed, and his voice was extremely stern. "And she's not a racer."

Pausing for a moment, su Xuan hesitated. it should be our future mistress.

Su Xuan had also guessed this from a few words with su di.

Su Xuan usually didn't like to talk and only did things. He had been guarding the International Federation's stronghold for su Cheng. Although su di didn't say much, he had more or less guessed it.

She went all the way to T city to be her brother's assistant.